
Oil importers will reduce diesel oil price by MDL 0.8 – Prime Minister


Prime Minister Vasile Tarlev, declared on Wednesday, October 18, during a Government meeting that main oil importers will cheapen again the price of diesel oil. According to his words, importers promised that starting Wednesday they will reduce the price of diesel oil for farmers by about MDL 0.8. “It is for the first time when in the very period of harvest and agricultural works importers reduce the price, but it is also a reality that happens for the second time, just a month after the first decrease in price”, mentioned the PM. As he affirms, this reduction should represent stimulation for agricultural producers in what concerns the hastening of the finalization of autumn works. Most probably, the companies which manifested this intention were “Petrom” and “Lukoil”, because the other ones, represented by the Petroleum Products Importer’s Union “Importcompetrol”, didn’t make such promises. This fact was told to Info-prim Neo by the head of “Importcompetrol”, Valentin Bodisteanu. According to his words, in present, there are no premises for the cheapening of diesel oil, because the price of this product on the international markets didn’t reduce. At the same time, Bodisteanu mentioned that importers cannot deliver diesel oil from CIS states, because of the high costs for transportation. He also specified that several cargo trains transporting petroleum products are stationing till now at the Moldovan-Ukrainian border, because of the repairs of a bridge, and the transportation of petroleum via the Transnistrian region of the country is interrupted. At present, diesel oil has a retail price ranging from MDL 9 and 9.5 per liter. On September 18, gas stations from the R. of Moldova reduced the price of diesel oil by about MDL 0.3, at a time with a similar cut in price per one liter of gasoline. That time, the reducing of prices was caused by the decrease in price for fuel on the world markets.