
​​​​​​​October 16 is National Food Day


The government has supported the legislative initiative of some MPs regarding the marking of October 16 as National Food Day. This initiative will be included in the Parliament Decision "On commemorative days, holidays and rest days in the Republic of Moldova".

The purpose of this day is to prevent food waste. According to statistical data, 88 million tons of food are annually dumped worldwide. The incorrect estimation, often exaggerated, of the amount of needed food for consumption and its subsequent purchase in excess is one of the reasons for this phenomena. On the other hand, more than 800 million people suffer from malnutrition worldwide .

World Food Day is celebrated in 150 countries. In Moldova, the authors of the legislative initiative hope that this will lead to the intensification of actions that combat food waste, will increase the quality of food and will lead to the increase of agricultural areas allotted for organic crops.