
Observers report cases of intimidation and offering of electoral presents


Intimidation of members of electoral offices, issuing of several ballots to one voter and offering of money or electoral presents are among the violations identified by observers of the Association Promo-LEX by 12:30pm, IPN reports.

Pavel Postica, head of the election observation mission, said that about 2,020 reports compiled by observers have been received by the mentioned hour. The main worrisome finding is that the observers weren’t allowed to work unrestricted in at least 15 polling places. These were either shown a place where to stay or were banned taking pictures and doing something else. In 15 polling places, the ballots weren’t kept in one place, being left on the windowsill or on the table, without being supervised.

There were identified at least 83 cases when voters’ names weren’t checked in the electronic system and at least 15 cases of voting without documents or with inappropriate documents. About 100 persons voted without having the stamp ‘voted’ put in the loose-leaf of the identity card.

Alcoholic drinks were sold near at least 114 polling places. In 19 cases, the observers ascertained situations when the voters were offered money or presents near the polling place. There were reported at least 18 cases of electoral campaigning near polling places.

The organized transportation of voters was reported in the case of at least 19 polling places. There were reported at least 20 cases of use of violence against and intimidation of voters or members of electoral offices. In Balti, a voter pushed an electoral office member, while in Chisinau a voter pushed several members of an electoral office for the reason that his name was put on the voter roll even if he lived abroad. In Orhei, the people who went to vote were intimidated by a group of persons.

There were also reported seven cases of issuing of several ballots to one voter.