
Obligation to present negative test result when entering Moldova annulled


The National Extraordinary Public Health Commission annulled its own decision by which it imposed the obligation to present the negative result of the PCR COVID-19 test when entering Moldova. It decided that all the persons will mandatorily fill out the epidemiological form and will sign an own responsibility statement by which they will pledge to self-isolate for 14 days in definite places, IPN reports.

The persons who have the negative result of the PCR COVID-19 test done within 72 hours before embarking (for those who travel by common transport) or before entry into Moldova (for those who travel by own vehicles) will not have to self-isolate. In the absence of the test, the persons can interrupt the self-isolation period after the tenth day if they do a PCR COVID-19 test and its result is negative.

There are a number of categories of persons who will not have to quarantine if they don’t have clinical signs of respiratory infections or fever. These include the children younger than five or aged five, students who are to take exams, those who go to study at education institutions in Moldova or abroad, drivers working on freight and passenger transportation routes, persons who travel for health, business or humanity reasons that can be proven by confirmatory documents.

The persons who prove that that they had been administrated a COVID-19 vaccine will also not self-isolate. The confirmation must be in Romanian, English, French o Russian.