
Number of police teams to be doubled on Low Sunday


On Low Sunday that this year is celebrated on May 8 and 9, the number of pedestrian patrolling police teams and of police officers on duty at inspectorates will be doubled. A large number of policemen will be mobilized near cemeteries, inside quarters, at recreational areas, on the streets and on the national roads, IPN reports.

According to the General Police Inspectorate, on holidays traffic increases considerably. Therefore, d more tolerance and mutual respect are recommended in traffic. The persons who come from abroad with personal transport are asked to comply with the road traffic regulations of Moldova and with the requests of the police.

In connection with the increase in the number of units of transport, the drivers are recommended to adjust the speed and to keep the distance between vehicles, not to park in areas adjoining cemeteries and not to leave valuable things inside cars.

The General Police Inspectorate recommends the people to call 112 or 901 in emergencies or to go to the closest police station or post when they witnesses cases when public order and security and people’s safety are endangered.