
Number of objects protected intellectually at border 13% up


The Customs Service reported an increase of 13% in the number of objects that are protected intellectually through the border compared with last year. Currently, there are about 500 such objects, IPN reports.

According to a communiqué of the Customs Service, 81 cases when the goods were confiscated on suspicion that they were counterfeit were recorded in 2013. A Museum of Counterfeit Goods seized by the Customs Service was opened inside the Training Center for Customs Employees. Measures are taken to strengthen the capacities in the area of protection of intellectual property rights at the border.

The Customs Service lays emphasis on such actions as amendment and adjustment of the national legislation on intellectual property protection to the EU legislation, drafting of regulations on the protection of intellectual property, training of customs employees and raising public awareness of the danger of consuming counterfeit goods.