
Number of beds intended for patients with COVID-19 can be increased if necessary, authorities


The rising number of cases of COVID-19 made the public health authorities to increase the number of beds intended for patients with moderate and severe forms of the infection. Referring to the general situation in the municipality of Chisinau, Boris Gîlcă, deputy head of the Health Division, has told IPN that six municipal hospitals for children and adults reserved beds for patients with COVID-19. If need be, the number of beds can be increased.

At the COVID-19 Triage Center at Moldexpo, there are 350 beds for persons who need stationary treatment and 100 beds for patients in triage. 150 beds are provided by the Ftiziopneumology Hospital “Kiril Draganiuc”, 300 – by the Clinical Hoopster “Saint Archangel Mikhail”, 100 – by the Municipal Children’s Infectious Diseases Hospital, 63 – by the Municipal Children’s Hospital “Valentin Ignatenco”, while 55 – by Maternity Hospital No. 2.

A total of 1,118 beds are intended for persons with COVID-19. A small part of them are unoccupied.  

The Clinical Hospital managed by the Ministry of Health provides 100 beds for patients confirmed with moderate and severe forms of COVID-19 and six beds for persons who need intensive care. Ten of the beds are now available. The hospital’s vice director Marcela Moraru called on the citizens to obey the protection measures so as not to burden the health facilities with the large number of patients who need to be hospitalized.