
NSC warned the Moldova Stock Exchange about insufficient information on its activities


The National Securities Committee (NSC) warned the Moldova Stock Exchange (MSE) about the insufficient information available on its activities. During a meeting from this week, the President of the NSC, Dumitru Ursu, mentioned that for the development of the MSE collaboration with similar institutions from other countries is required in order to assure their experiences are shared, as well as for the optimizing the structure of the administration council in order to improve the MSE management. These objections were forwarded to MSE as result of an inspection made by NSC for the period of January 1 2003 – August 1, 2006. Both the MSE and the NSC managements agreed that in order improve the current situation legislative modifications are required. Considering this, the NSC president noticed that the law draft regarding the modification and completion of the Law on Securities market, recently elaborated, contains points that address the stocks activity in the Republic of Moldova. The mentioned draft can be viewed on the official NSC web site (www.cnvm.md).