
Not even half of wild boars hunted, danger of attacks on fields


About 180 of the limit of 430 wild boars were killed during the hunting season last year. Director general of the Forestry Agency “Moldsilva” Tudor Botnari has told IPN that if the boars breed too fast, they gather together in large numbers and can invade people’s fields as they do not have what to eat on the areas populated by them.

Tudor Botnari said boar hunting is a sport and everything depends on the hunter’s ability, but the hunters became less active during the last two years. Furthermore, hunting last year was allowed on only 40% of the wooded areas.

Now the number of wild boars in forests is within limits, but it’s not excluded that measures will have to be taken to stop the massive concentration of these animals. There are about 1,950 boars in Moldova at present.