
Normative framework on salary payment of “Teleradio Moldova” is defective


The internal normative framework on salary payment of the national public broadcaster “Teleradio Moldova” is defective. The language of the normative documents is not exact. In order to continue the reforms in the field, the public broadcaster must eliminate these faults. Such conclusions are contained in a report on the implementation of reforms at the company produced by experts of the Electronic Press Association APEL.

In a news conference at IPN, APEL expert Corneliu Rusnac said the three regulations adopted by the national public broadcaster’s Supervisory Board lack provisions concerning their coming into force. The expert drew attention to the formulations, saying the provisions must be exact.

According to Corneliu Rusnac, the time limits for implementing the reforms defined in the regulations are not respected. The national public broadcaster should adjust its regulations on salary payment as soon as possible so that the salary system starts to be implemented. “The normative documents should be formulated so that they do not need further amendment,” he stated.

APEL acting executive director Vasile State said the reforms at “Teleradio Moldova” have been implemented slowly. He recommended accelerating the pace of reforms and respecting the terms for reforming the salary system. The company’s administrators should take into account the opinions and suggestions of the experts.

The APEL monitors the implementation of the reforms initiated at “Teleradio-Moldova” in 2011 within a project supported by Soros Foundation Moldova. The previous reports focused on the quality of the working meetings of the Supervisory Board and the broadcaster’s administration and on the process of assessing the professional performance at subdivisions of the company.