
Non-formal education promoted among adults at center in Chisinau


The Moldovan society’s perception of adult education and the adults’ involvement in non-formal education activities has undergone an essential change in recent years. The people realize that the learning process is continuous and that it does not end with the completion of formal studies, and the acquisition of new knowledge and the development of skills are important to face the challenges in a constantly changing world. The 4,000 graduates of the Chisinau-based Municipal Center for Adult Learning and Education (CMIEA) are an eloquent example of this.

Particularities of adult training

Natalia Zaiats, head of the Municipal Center for Adult Learning and Education, said that a key element in adult education is the life experience the adults bring to the learning process and which becomes a valuable resource that should be used at the course. The teaching strategies and techniques used by the institution's trainers are aimed at the specific needs and practice of the participants, as adults learn more effectively when they can make a direct connection between what they study and the challenges they face in their professional or personal lives. Moreover, participants are motivated to come to classes as they need to improve their professional skills, to re-specialize or for personal development. Thanks to these principles, the activities are useful, flexible and provide learners with a learning environment that allows them to achieve their goals.

Since May 2023, more than 9,000 people have registered to study at the Municipal Center for Adult Learning and Education. The head of the center says this figure shows that the people accept the change and take the learning opportunities. As the number of applications is high, priority is given to people from socially and economically vulnerable categories,  These are the unemployed, people with special needs, parents with many children or those who raise their children alone, citizens with low incomes, below the average for the economy, etc.

Educational offer to suit everyone's taste

The educational center's offer is broad, starting with foreign languages (English, Italian, German, and Romanian), and continuing with the management of project implementation and the accounting and tax basics in Moldova. There are also certified courses: Basics of Accounting and Auditing in the Republic of Moldova, Accounting 1C, organized in partnership with the Association of Professional Accountants and Auditors of the Republic of Moldova. After completing such a certified course, the person can become employed. The educational offer is diversified at the beginning of the year, the introduction of new courses being determined by participants' requests and the trends on the labor market, explained Natalia Zaiats.

According to the head of the center, all courses are in demand and are appreciated by the students. An increased interest is shown in English and Romanian language courses for beginners, the development of digital skills for beginners (those who do not know the computer at all), the development of digital skills for employment (for those who want to get hired or want to advance in their career and need to learn a particular program), the Excel program. The project development courses are attended by many managers, who come from both public institutions and NGOs, but also entrepreneurs and young people. Among the popular courses are public speaking, healthy eating basics, photography and parent involvement. The courses are free of charge and take place within the Project "CMIEA – Learn, Grow, Succeed", implemented by the General Division of Education, Youth and Sport of Chisinau municipality, in partnership with DVV International Moldova and with the financial assistance of BMZ, the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development of Germany.

The interest clubs were opened in February and represent a new direction that the center's team initiated. The first was the seniors' club, dedicated to socializing, continuous learning and maintaining an active and healthy lifestyle for seniors. For the 15 participants, who come to the club on Wednesdays every two weeks, meetings and seminars are organized with experts from various fields. They explain in detail to the students how to give medical first aid, how to use bank cards, etc. People who want to improve themselves attend the personal development and leadership club in a Thursday. There is also a CMIEA trainers' club, whose meetings also contribute to improving the quality of the activities that the trainers carry out at the center and to the development of the community of trainers, which currently has over 30 members. Once a month at the center, fathers gather at a specialized club, which encourages the involvement of fathers in the education and care of children and the equal sharing of domestic responsibilities.

Participants in courses

The courses are attended by adults over the age of 18, people from various fields, who want to develop personally and improve their professional skills. There are also people who are looking for a job, entrepreneurs who want to develop, as well as seniors who want to lead an active life and socialize. The schedule of the sessions is flexible, between 11:00 a.m. and 08:00 p.m., and can be adapted to students of different ages. The number of participants varies depending on the courses, with some groups having 13 members, and others up to 25 people, of different ages and from different fields.


Among the main difficulties faced by people who decide to register for courses are the absence of self-confidence, difference in level of knowledge and lack of time. The center’s head Natalia Zaiats stressed that thanks to the courses, the participants manage to overcome these fears and successfully complete the program of study. Those interested can access a registration form, contact the center or send a message to the email address.

Development of adult education sector in Chisinau

The center aims to increase the number of participants, diversify the courses, strengthen the community of CMIEA trainers, establish solid partnerships, modernize the working conditions, open more branches of the center in the districts of the capital city. Currently, the municipality is in the process of identifying the spaces and, simultaneously, a survey will be conducted among Chisinau residents, and later, based on the results, it will be decided in which district branches will be opened.

The Municipal Center for Adult Learning and Education is an efficient partnership to which DVV International Moldova contributed about €137,000, repairing and equipping the spaces, providing ICT equipment and investing annually money in the organization of courses. The Chisinau City Hall provided the building, covers all expenses related to its maintenance and repair, and funds the salaries of the center's employees.

On October 26, starting at 10:00 a.m., the first conference dedicated to trends and challenges in adult education and training in Chisinau will be held at the Municipal Center for Adult Learning and Education. The conference is an opportune platform for the exchange of ideas and good practices, facilitating cooperation between institutions and organizations dealing with adult education.

Milena Macarciuc, IPN