
Nominal composition of commission for forming single-member constituencies


The nominal composition of the national commission for forming single-member constituencies was approved, IPN reports.

The commission consists of: Alina Russu and Iurie Ciocan on behalf of the Central Election Commission, Igor Vremea on behalf of the Parliament’s legal commission for appointments and immunities, and Maxim Lebedinski on behalf of the President of the Republic of Moldova.

The parliamentary groups delegated Eugeniu Nikiforchuk (PDM), Vasile Bolea (PSRM) and Stefan Creanga (PPEM) to work on the commission. The groups of the PLDM, PL and PCRM didn’t field representatives.

Among the members of the commission are also by a representative of the extra-parliamentary political parties that won over 2% of the poll in the last elections. Sergiu Coropceanu will represent the electoral bloc “Moldova’s Choice – Customs Union” on the commission.

Vlad Batrancea, of the PSRM, was designated as the representative of the party that took part in the presidential runoff. The Party “Action and Solidarity” fielded no representative.

The associations of national minorities will be represented on the commission by: Piotr Dontsov of the public movement “Russian Spiritual Unity”, Fiodor Sabii of the Bulgarian Community in Moldova, Veaceslav Burlac of the Association “Union of District Councils”, Viorel Furdui of the Congress of Local Authorities of Moldova, and Olga Coptu of the Bureau for Diaspora Relations.

Maria Nedealkov will represent the Institute of Ecology and Geography, Olga Gagauz – the National Institute for Economic Research, Juc Victor – the Institute of Legal and Political Research of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova.

The commission must present the decision on the creation of the standing single-member constituencies to the Government for approval 13 months before the expiration of the current Parliament’s mandate.