
No matter how many projects for development we implement, they won’t be enough, mayor


[Info-Prim Neo article from the series “2011: how it was and how it wasn’t”] {Chisinau with accomplishments, failures and prospects – new projects} Any settlement – from a small village of 300 inhabitants to a metropolis of 10-15 million people – needs to be further developed, modernized and renewed. From this viewpoint, the higher the number of projects is, the greater will be the results achieved, Mayor of Chisinau Dorin Chirtoaca has told Info-Prim Neo. [Loans granted show Chisinau municipality became credible] In 2008-2010, the Chisinau City Hall managed to obtain financing of about €30 million and the first results achieved within the implemented projects started to be sensed this year. “I refer to the first project to buy trolleybuses, financed by the EBRD and EIB, the Genesis road program, the aqueduct and sewerage program. They show that the municipality of Chisinau became credible and eligible and can have contracts and partnerships with international financial organizations,” said the mayor. Dorin Chirtoaca also said that the recent €22 million project with the EBRD to rehabilitate six streets in Chisinau confirms the foreign partners’ trust. “We are yet to consolidate the incomes so that we are able to obtain more financing. No matter how many projects for development we implement, they won’t be enough. The reality is always several steps ahead of the activities carried out by the administration,” stated the mayor. [We are only at the beginning] Dorin Chirtoaca said that projects to modernize the municipality of Chisinau only started to be implemented and a lot of work is yet to be done for the residents to feel comfortable and satisfied with the living standards in the capital city. According to the mayor, no such development projects had been implemented during many years. “If we had taken constant steps towards development, it would have been easier today. As we witnessed a period of degradation, there were accumulated debts. Unfortunately, we still suffer the consequences as we paid debts of 800 million lei over four years. Nobody can compensate for this lost time. We should now make considerable effort to foster the development,” said the mayor. According to Dorin Chirtoaca, the state administration borrows money for current expenses, but the Chisinau City Hall raised loans for development. The loans are repayable in 10 years. If the same things were purchased in 10 years, they would cost more. “The interest on the loans is 5%, which is lower than on other markets. We now do not have debts without coverage, unlike the period when the City Hall had debts of 800 million lei without coverage,” said the mayor. [€4 million came as donations] Dorin Chirtoaca stressed that besides loans, the municipal administration, namely the Foreign Relations Division, obtained donations of at least €4 million for energy efficiency, pluvial sewerage, education and research projects. About €3 million was obtained as a grant within the trolleybus acquisition project. Approximately 30% of the program to modernize SA Apa-Canal Chisinau represent donations. As to the accusations that such projects are a possibility of laundering money, Dorin Chirtoaca said that those who make such assertions already admitted that they told lies, including in the election campaign, when they falsified the Official Gazette. The mayor gave as example the project concerning the trolleybuses. Initially, the City Hall intended to buy 90 trolleybuses, but later the number was raised to 102. “When they aim to launder money, it is the opposite. We would have bought 80 trolleybuses, not 102,” said the mayor. Dorin Chirtoaca reiterated that the municipality of Chisinau only started to cover the path to development. He said that among the main objectives are to renew the transport, repair the road infrastructure, organize the trade and develop the economic activity, lay out the yards of apartment buildings. [The most recent project] The most recent project announced by the Chisinau City Hall is implemented in cooperation with the EBRD and EIB. Six streets in central Chisinau are to be fully repaired within this €22 million project from next spring. These streets are: Stefan cel Mare, Constantin Negruzzi, Tighina, Vasile Alecsandri, 31 august, and Alexandru cel Bun. The loan is repayable in 10 years, with a grace period of two years, and an interest rate of 5%. [Elena Nistor, Info-Prim Neo]