
No less than 50% of state enterprises’ income will got to the budget


According to a government decision, enterprises in which the state is a shareholder will transfer at least 50% of income to the state budget, Info-Prim Neo reports. Previously, the requirement was only of 30% of income. Minister of economy Valeriu Lazar explained that many of these companies, fully or partially owned by the state, were not actually market-oriented and found it difficult to attract funds and cooperate with investors. Capitalization of income was an issue as well. As a result, contributions to the state budget were unpredictable, payments were often delayed or even null. According to the minister, the enterprises’ long-term strategies should include clear steps of development, which would allow companies to increase efficiency and guarantee a minimum payment of dividends. However, the government’s decision stipulates that if economic necessities require it, enterprises can be spared of paying dividends to the state. This share of income must then be obligatorily capitalized. State enterprises or companies in which the state is a shareholder, included in the List of goods that can’t be privatized, will have to pay at least 25% of dividends to the budget. The regulation also stipulates the monitoring of the enterprises’ use of financial resources if they are spared of paying dividends. The minister of economy is confident the new mechanism of payments is based on national interest and will increase the budget income.