
No Bird Flu in Moldova, says WHO. IPN investigation conclusion


Dr. Bernardus Ganter, Regional Adviser on Communicable Disease Surveillance, WHO Regional Office for Europe, says it is very important to verify whether the information on the lack of bird flu is not concealed, especially on the farms. The answers offered to Info-Prim Neo News Agency, regarding the presence or lack of H5N1 virus on the territory of Moldova, under the conditions when in the neighbor countries, Romania and Ukraine, were discovered several foci, dr. Ganter declared that at present there are no proofs of bird flu in Moldova. Referring to the affirmations launched by some press bodies, according to which on the right side of Nistru bird flu foci were found, but the information is concealed, the quoted source stated that it is always very difficult to get the right information, for many reasons. Firstly, you’ll not find if you don’t look for. Secondly, many people might be afraid, especially on the farms. For them chicken are very important food and they could hide the dying of their poultry because they have seen the stories from neighbouring countries that the veterinarian authorities will come and take their poultry away. And third, of course, how active are the authorities in looking for the outbreaks. On the other hand, the WHO official affirms that the organization he represents has permanent contacts with the health authorities of Moldova. At present a project on strengthening the national veterinary and public health services, financed by the World Bank, is being discussed. This project will allow the Moldovan authorities to prevent the appearance of the bird flu on the territory of the Republic of Moldova, Dr. Ganter states. As well, the project will contribute to a better grounding in case of pandemic influenza. Informing the population in case the virus is discovered will be performed strictly according to international norms, Ganter says. The national veterinary authorities will report about the presence of bird flu to their colleagues from UN Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) or from World Organization for Animal Health (OIE). If there is a human cases the Ministry of Health and Social Protection is obliged to inform the local office of WHO, which will announce the Regional Office for Europe, as in the case of Azerbaijan and Turkey, where the specialized ministries solicited expertise and assistance to fully investigate the case. Dr. Bernardus Ganter is sure that is the way the authorities will act in Moldova, in case similar situations will appear. IPN note: 18 days ago an IPN reporter solicited, according to the legislation, information regarding the presence of the virus on the territory of Moldova from the Parliament, Government, Ministry of Health and Social Protection, Ministry of Agriculture and Public Alimentation, Science Academy of Moldova, Security and Information Service and the World Health Organization. The interest of the agency was motivated under the circumstances when in the neighbor country, Romania, new foci were detected, considered by the Romanian authorities as threats to the national security. 5 out of 6 state institutions affirmed that the bird flu was not yet discovered in Moldova. A part of them qualified the investigations of the Agency as “incorrect suspicions”. WHO considers very important the verification of the information regarding the lack of bird flu, which under certain conditions, might be concealed. The Security and Information Service did not respond to the solicitations of the reporter.