
No big fish has been caught yet. Info-Prim Neo interview with the Anticorruption Alliance secretary, Mircea Esanu


{The measures stipulated in the Threshold Country Program (TCP) worked out by the Government of Moldova in 2006 with the support of the Millennium Challenge Corporation are to be completed at the start of 2009. Moldova committed itself to continuing the reforms aimed at fighting corruption by implementing a pro-active systemic reforming policy. The executive selected five distinct areas in which to reduce corruption and improve transparency: strengthen the capacity of the judiciary in preventing and combating corruption; strengthen the monitoring capacity of civil society and mass-media; prevent and curb corruption in the health service system; curb corruption in tax, customs, and police administration; reform in the Center for Combating Corruption and Economic Crime (CCCEC). The Anticorruption Alliance is a voluntary union of nongovernmental organizations. Starting with January 2008 till February 2009, the Alliance has monitored the activities aimed at reducing and preventing corruption in compliance with one of the five objectives of the TCP.} [ - Does Moldova manage to fight corruption?] - We are only at the start of the way. The monitoring carried out by the civil society showed this. The authorities managed to implement policies, while the NGOs gained access to the documents about the process of combating corruption. We succeeded in educating a part of the civil servants who did not know about the law on information and that the documents are public not of internal use only. The post-clearance transit program and the ‘one-stop office’ method have been implemented at the Customs Service. The public acquisitions guide began to be used in the healthcare system. There were introduced clinical protocols and worked out websites for medical institutions. A Civilian Board was created at the CCCEC. A fiscal anti-fraud division works at the Tax Inspectorate. It investigates the offences that involve millions of lei. There was also set up a service center for the population. These measures are aimed at maximally reducing the contact between the people and the civil servants so as to avoid bribery. The Ministry of Internal Affairs undertook most of the TCP activities aimed at instructing the employees. But the efficiency of these training courses is minimal because the police officers continue to violate the human rights and frequently use force in the investigated cases because the superiors order so. The only way out is to transform the Ministry into a civilian institution. [ - What impact do the measures stipulated in the TCP have on the ordinary man?] - The policies have been improved a lot while the TCP is being implemented. The effects are not yet felt by the ordinary people, but they can prevent corruption. As a matter of fact, the effects of the formulated polices will be felt by the population in 1-2 years. For example, the clinical protocols that standardize the treatment and medical assistance provided to patients are designed to prevent corruption in the healthcare system. [ - What happens if Moldova does not carry out all the actions included in the TCP ?] - I think that Moldova will manage to implement the measures stipulated in the TCP in due time and will benefit from the US$300 million offered by the U.S. Government. Most probably, the money will come after the 2009 elections. The Americans are rather satisfied with the way that the Moldovan authorities implement the actions included in the TCP, while Moldova is in the group of countries that can benefit from the funds of the Millennium Challenge Corporation. [ - Will the actions initiated as part of the TCP be continued or new plans will be needed to deal with corruption?] - The civil society also wonders if the state institutions will continue with the fight against corruption initiated as part of the TCP. It should be noted that the progress made in combating corruption is mainly due to the understandings between the donors and the public institutions of Moldova. A lot of issues included in the TCP could be adjusted long before the implementation of this plan, but the authorities waited for foreigners to come and say what Moldova’s priorities should be. Our authorities carry the TCP out in order to get certain financial advantages from international organizations. [ - What can the society do to make the authorities take an appropriate attitude over corruption combating?] - The only lever is the vote offered to the politicians. It is a mechanism by which the people can make the authorities responsible. [ - What would you recommend to those that will run the country after the 2009 elections? ] - The people do not trust the institutions that deal with corruption combating. The fist step would be to gain the people’s trust by solving serious corruption cases. Until present, no big fish was caught in the process of fighting corruption, but this is one of the priorities that the future administrations of Moldova should focus on. There is protectionism in Moldova and no control over dignitaries. The thousands of cases of corruption will disappear when there is welfare fueled by economic growth.