
Nistru and Afghanistan war veterans demand better welfare


Nistru and Afghanistan war veterans are asking the government to hear their plight and increase their monthly benefits beginning with January 1, 2020.

Petru Armanu, a veteran, told a press conference that the current monthly benefit of 100 lei “is the lowest of all and has never been indexed since its establishment.”

Petru Armanu, a representative of veterans, recalled that under the Tarlev Government there was a decision to give 40,000 lei payouts to veterans who didn’t own a home, but eventually only 15% of the beneficiaries received them.

Veterans also demand a better insured medical care and free flu shots. Additionally, they want financial aid to buy or build homes, and free treatment in sanatoriums every two years.

Valeriu Chicu, another representative, said veterans desperately need help with dental treatment and other medical services, because the money paid out by the government is hardly enough to treat combat injuries and related conditions. Veterans also demand discounted tickets on public transportation.

Veterans will wait for an invitation from the government to have a talk until next week, or else they plan to stage a protest rally in the Great National Assembly Square on October 10.