
Nine contenders for three vacancies on TRM Supervisory Board


The Broadcasting Coordination Council (BCC) said the deadline for submitting applications for filling the three vacant posts of member of the Supervisory Board of the National Public Broadcaster “Teleradio-Moldova” (TRM) has expired. Nine persons are now competing for the three posts, IPN reports.

The nine aspirants are: Alexandru Vasilachi, Marcel Dragan, Veaceslav Vlad, Alexandru Grosu, Larisa Calugaru, Gheorghe Ciobanu, Alexandru Popovich, Stefan Secareanu, and Dumitru Crudu.

The contest consists of public hearing and selection of the candidates (by two candidates for each of the vacancy) that will take place within a public meeting of the BCC within 15 days of the deadline for submissions.

The Council is to choose six candidates who will be presented to Parliament that is to confirm three of these to posts.

The contest to fill the three vacancies on TRM’s Supervisory Board was announced on September 13.