
“Nicolae Testemițanu” University signs cooperation agreement with Latvian Biometrical Research and Study Center


“Nicolae Testemițanu” State University of Medicine and Pharmacy signed an agreement of cooperation with the Latvian Biometrical Research and Study Center of Riga. This memorandum enables the young doctors and researchers of the university to do internships in the Latina capital and to later apply the accumulated knowledge in the laboratories of the University in Chisinau and to train new specialists in different areas, said professor Emil Ceban, rector of “Nicolae Testemițanu” University.

“The development strategy of “Nicolae Testemițanu” University for the next ten years envisions the achievement of particular indicators. The first indicator is internationalization, the second is development of contemporary research, while the third is the digitalization of the University’s areas of activity. In accordance with this strategy, we created at the University the National Medicine and Health Research Institute that we need to develop through modern scientific labs for molecular biology, bioengineering and biobanking. For the purpose, we need first of all to train staff,” stated Emil Ceban.

He noted that a modern confocal microscope to the value of 5 million lei was put into operation last week and will be used for research in molecular medicine. The medical equipment was bought in the framework of a transfrontier project with “Grigore T. Popa” University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Iasi. Several researchers of “Nicolae Testemițanu” University did internships in Romania and Italy and a Slovak expert in molecular biology, bioengineering and microbiology will come to Chisinau next week. After signing a memorandum, “Nicolae Testemițanu” will send two-three persons to train in Slovakia and will inaugurate a microbiology lab in Chisinau.

The rector said all these partnerships are aimed at developing the medical science for the patients in the Republic of Moldova to benefit from contemporary methods of treatment of different diseases.

Academician Stanislav Groppa, pro-rector for research and director of the National Institute of Medicine and Health Research of “Nicolae Testemițanu” University, has told IPN that the agreement signed with the Latvian Biometrical Research and Study Center includes cooperation with a European and intentional center of excellence with modern laboratories in such areas as bioinformatics, morphology, genetics and building of biobanks. Initially, scientific teaching staff will be trained to use the new technologies.

“As a result of a common transfrontier project with our mates from Iasi, we obtained a sophisticated bifocal microscopic research system, while the training of staff in this area will take place in Romania and later at the Latvian Biometrical Research and Study Center in Riga city,” said Stanislav Groppa.