
Nicolae Botgros: Independence brought us in Europe


Independence brought Moldova in Europe. If the people hadn’t struggled for independence and hadn’t sought national identity, freedom and truth 23 years ago, Moldova wouldn’t have dreamt today of becoming part of Europe, where the human rights and freedoms are respected, master Nicolae Botgros, who is the conductor of the National Folk Music Orchestra “Lautarii” (“Fiddlers”), has told IPN.

Nicolae Botgros regrets it that some actors still promote untruths in a move to manipulate society, saying that the Republic of Moldova continues to be a Russian state. “I will allow no one to show disrespect for the country. There are yet many things to be done and I don’t understand why those who are in power do not see these things,” said the master.

He called on the people to be united so as to be able to know the truth. “I would sing again out of joy if I knew that the coming autumn would bring us a big victory,” said Nicolae Botgros, referring to the November 30 legislative elections. 

On August 27, it is 23 years since Moldova declared its independence.