
NGOs propose agreement of non-involvement in media's editorial policies


A number of civil society organizations issued an appeal to politicians and political factions to sign an Agreement of non-involvement in the editorial policies of Moldova's media. The initiative, launched on Wednesday, April 6, belongs to the Institute for Development and Social Initiatives (IDIS) Viitorul, Info-Prim Neo reports. Politicians are called to actively inform citizens about media institutions they fund or manage, regardless of the owned shares. As representatives of the public authorities, politicians should offer free access to information of public interest. Another demand to them is to treat equally all media institutions and journalists, without discriminatory, sexist or ironical statements. Political analyst Cornel Ciurea, expert of IDIS Viitorul, said that the agreement should be signed by mass media institutions as well as NGOs. The mass media should commit not to carry out defamation campaigns against politicians or promote offensive articles authored or commissioned, directly or indirectly, against opponents. Journalists should not accept recompenses for presenting information that would favor some politicians, should not write at someone’s command and must publicly announce if they are put under pressure. Media NGOs should react through common declarations, protests, whenever journalists are constrained and regardless of personal liking or disliking of those journalists. On the occasion of publishing the project of the agreement, IDIS presented the “Black book of Moldovan mass media”, coordinated by the IDIS expert, Ghenadie Mocanu. It comprises 40 cases of interference in mass media activity, such as limiting access to information or the freedom of expression. “Most cases of abuse are caused by the authorities’ legislative illiteracy, as they follow their bosses' indications rather then the law”, said Ghenadie Mocanu. The Agreement of non-involvement in editorial policies was developed within the European project “Developing and promoting a modern media environment in Moldova” by IDIS Viitorul, the Center of Journalistic Investigations, the Committee for Freedom of Press and the Association of Electronic Press APEL.