
NGO calls on Justice Ministry to switch from reforms on paper to deeds


The head of the Center for Initiatives and Public Authorities Monitoring, jurist Ion Dron called upon the Ministry of Justice to switch from reforms written on paper to deeds. “The justice reform does not mean strategies and reports. The corruption schemes and corrupt judges are still present in the system,” Ion Dron said in a news conference at IPN.

The activist made the call because, as he considers, a number of judges of the Chisinau Appeals Court and the Botanca Court are involved in property dispossession schemes. He gave as example the case of the carrier “Milos M”, whose property was sequestrated. The company’s owner during five years has been in litigation with a person who claims a debt of over 4 million lei from him, based on a false receipt,” stated Ion Dron.

According to the jurist, hundreds of businessmen are daily dispossessed of property through court. The fact that not the envelope with money makes the judges corrupt, but their decisions by which they aim to appropriate the property of other persons is no longer a secret.

“Time has come to fight not corruption, but particular persons. This means giving names and presenting evidence,” said the head of the Center for Initiatives and Public Authorities Monitoring.