
Next progress report on Moldova will be published in 2017, MEP


The European Commission announced that the next progress report on Moldova will be made public next spring. The institution responded this way to an interpellation made by MEP Andi Cristea, IPN reports.

According to a press release of the MEP’s office in Brussels, Andi Cristea, as the chairman of the European Parliament’s Delegation for Moldova, addressed a written question to the High Representative of the Unjoin for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini, concerning the date when the next progress report on Moldova will be presented.

“The last report dates from March 2015 and analyzes the developments of 2014. Meanwhile, the European Neighborhood Policy was reviewed, the key principles that resulted consequently being differentiation, assumption of responsibilities by the partner states and the necessity of maintaining the policy documents and country and region reports well-structured and organized by priorities. In its response, the European Commission says that the next progress report will be made public in the first half of next year, on the occasion of the meeting of the EU-Moldova Association Council,” stated Andi Cristea.

The Romanian MEP managed the file of the review of the European Neighborhood Policy on behalf of the S&D Group.