
NEWS from IPN series “European Integration” of April 3-9, 2017 in summary


On April 3, experts of the Association of Independent Press (API) announced that during 12 months they will assess the state of play of the fulfillment of the provisions concerning the mass media of the plan of action for implementing the Moldova – EU Association Agreement for 2014-2018 and of the Government’s work program for 2016-2018. They will monitor the adjustment of the national legislation on the mass media to the EU regulations and the fulfillment by the authorities of the commitments assumed through the Association Agreement with the EU, as regards cooperation in culture, audio-visual policy and the mass media and the Mass Media chapter of the Government’s work program for 2016-2018.


The same day, Prime Minister Pavel Filip announced the Democratic Party’s unanimous support for the creation of a one-stop shop intended for people who need documents from the public administration. The one-stop shop will be set up by transforming and absorbing the services of five institutions, namely the state-run Information Resources Center “Registru”, Land Relations and Cadaster Agency, Civil Status Service, State Registration Chamber and Licensing Chamber. The Premier said the European officials welcomed the progress made by Moldova in implementing the Associating Agreement and noted that the Government is committed to continue to take measures to modernize the institutions and society. According to him, Moldova’s European course takes shape, while the key message that was transmitted was for Chisinau not to slow down the pace of reforms.


On April 4, the UNDP announced that around 500 ha of pastureland were rehabilitated and 150 ha of eroded and unproductive land were afforested in the Orhei National Park region within the European Union funded Clima East Project. The average productivity of pastures rose about 2,5 times, from 2,04 t hay/ha (2014) to 4,59 t/ha, while the indicator of carbon accumulation has improved by over 200%. 18 communities part of Orhei National Park developed, with project’s support, Forest Management Plans covering over 1,400 ha of communal forests, as well as Pasture Management Plans covering 5,000 ha of pastureland. These plans ensure sustainable management of natural resources for the period of 10 years.


The European Parliament’s Committee on Budgets accepted the request of MEP Siegfried Muresan to release the €100 million in European financing to the Republic of Moldova when concrete results are achieved by this in fighting corruption, ensuring the independence of justice and strengthening the banking system. It was decided that the money will be allocated in three tranches in 2017 and 2018 and, before each tranche, the Government of Moldova will have to implement in stages the measures that are requested by the Moldovan citizens and that are necessary for consolidating the economy and democracy in the Republic of Moldova. The European Parliament’s final vote on the proposal to provide €100 million in macro-financial assistance to the Republic of Moldova depending on results was set to be held in the May session.


The small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) can ask for investment support to improve products and services. The EBRD, the European Union and Mobiasbanca - Groupe Société Générale on April 5 launched the first credit line in Moldova that will enable SMEs to take advantage of opportunities under the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area (DCFTA) with the EU. The EU4Business-EBRD Credit Line aims to help local SMEs invest in improvements to their product quality and modernization of their services to meet EU standards. EU4Business is also providing SMEs with grant incentives of up to 15 per cent and funding advisory services by local and international consultants.


In a meeting with Italy’s Ambassador in Chisinau Valeria Biagiotti on April 5, Prime Minister Pavel Filip underlined the importance of signing a bilateral agreement on the social protection of citizens. The interlocutors considered possibilities of developing multilateral cooperation between the two states given that Italy in 2017 holds the G7 Presidency and next year will take over the OSCE Chairmanship.


The publication “Business Issues Briefs” (2016) that describes the most important problems encountered by Moldovan businesspeople in the process of implementing the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement (DCFTA) with the European Union was launched in Chisinau on April 6. EU Ambassador in Chisinau Pirkka Tapiola, honorific president of the European Business Association, said the DCFTA is the best thing that happened to Moldova during the last few years, but its benefits cannot be fully felt owing to a number of problems existing in the Republic of Moldova. The problems are related to the political stability and predictability of the political framework, macroeconomic stability, infrastructure, etc. The reforms in the banking sector should go on, while the authorities should find a mechanism by which to motivate the migrants to return home and to use remittances to start businesses, not only for consumption.


The same day, the results of the Youth Business Empowerment Project were presented at an event in Tiraspol. In just one year, 31 young entrepreneurs created more than 120 jobs and introduced new goods and services in the market. They started their business with financial support from the European Union provided under the Support to Confidence Building Measures Program, in the amount of up to €13,500, and benefitted from business management training. The Youth Business Empowerment Project from the communities from both banks of the Nistru River was implemented in two stages (2013-2014 and 2015-2016). 71 young entrepreneurs started up their business and created more than 300 jobs.


On April 7, the new adjustments made to the Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) program of Moldova to match the European one came into force. There was approved a new AEO authorization model. The adjustments were made in accordance with the commitments undertaken by the Association Agreement with the EU. The new changes create the conditions needed for promoting the implementation of the system of reciprocal recognition of authorized economic operators of Moldova and the European Union.


450 words deciphered in symbols and signs, which form the main vocabulary of the Makaton language for children with communication problems aged between zero and seven, were adjusted to the Moldovan context. For the purpose, a group of national practitioners were trained by professionals of the British Makaton Association. Senior consultant at the Ministry of Education Viorica Mart said the Makaton language offers a chance to the children from the very first years of live to communicate and be understood by those around. The total value of the project is €680,000 and is financed by the European Union.


The summary of news from the IPN series “European Integration” is produced with support from the Hanns Seidel Foundation of Germany and can be further disseminated on condition that the source is indicated.