A new website was launched in Moldova with the aim of contributing to the prevention and combating of discrimination and ensuring the equality of chances. The website www.antidiscriminare.egalitate.md will be managed by the Institute for Public Policy and was designed with the European Union’s support, IPN reports.
According to a press release of the Institute, the website includes a novelty – the possibility of submitting complaints to the Council for the Prevention and Elimination of Discrimination and Ensuring of Equality through the online service: Write a complaint. The Council will examine all the complaints submitted online, by which alleged acts of discrimination are reported.
Another new element is the Amicus Curiae (or ‘friend of court’), which aims to become an efficient and accessible instrument for dealing with the cases of discrimination examined by the Council. By this, the private individuals, NGOs, advocacy groups or any other interested side that are not part of the examined case can provide information about the addressed case of discrimination.
The website was launched within the project “Strengthening the capacities of the national system of Moldova with a view to fighting discrimination through the participation of civil society”, which is financed by the EU through the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights. The goal of the project is to develop an independent and effective system for preventing and fighting discrimination in Moldova.