
New Web Page for Moldova in the net, from October 14


A new version of the official web page of the Republic of Moldova has to be created in three months from the launching of the Conception regarding the Official Moldova Page in the “Official Monitor of R.M.” It will start to exist from October 14, with the same address www.moldova.md. According to the Government decision, the Official Page is aiming at “efficiently promote the image of R.M. nationally as well as internationally and to ensure a safe interaction between the administrative public authorities with the public and international Bodies”. The social-cultural magazine “Moldova”, a state entity, was designated as the administrator of the Official Page. It has to ensure the administration and updating of the Page. The Centre of special telecommunications, also a state entity, has to provide technological support. The main goal of the Official Page is to create a correct image of R.M. in the country as well as across the borders, and providing a continuous access to that kind of information. The public will have access to “objective and reliable” information about R.M. The headings and information resources would be: About R. Moldova, State Power, Society, Economy and Business, International Relations, Useful information and links. The Main information providers are: the Government, the ministries, Academy of Science, Chamber of Commerce and Industry, etc.