
New sociopolitical movement: League of Towns and Communes


A group of mayors constituted an initiative group for the purpose of founding the League of Towns and Communes that they call the first sociopolitical movement of local communities. The members of the initiative group said the League will represent a platform that will make the voices in all the country’s regions heard.

In a news conference at IPN, Alexandru Bujoreanu, the mayor of Leova town, said that the initiative group consists of tens of village and town mayors, district and municipal local councilors, public sector employees and activists. This is a social movement of a new type that is being built from down to up by involving the most prominent representatives of communities to modernize Moldova’s villages and towns. “The League of Towns and Communes is created not out of the political ambition of its founders. We and our colleagues from all over the country were already given a vote of confidence in our localities and based on this vote we consciously fulfill our duties,” stated Alexandru Bujoreanu.

According to him, the party will not be exclusively of the mayors. All those who are not indifferent to the fate of localities and are ready to contribute to solving the existing problems, including by taking part in the local elections of 2023, are welcomed into the team. “The mayors, as direct representatives of the citizens of this country, evidently form the basis of this political organization and found the League of Towns and Communes as a platform for association and promotion of local development views, alongside all those who are ready to support this view. The League of Towns and Communes aims to become an important platform in the promotion of the interests of local communities at all levels and to contribute, alongside all the involved players and decision makes from the upper level, to regional and local development in the Republic of Moldova,” said Alexandru Bujoreanu.

Constantin Cojocaru, the mayor of the municipality of Edineț, noted that today as never in the history of the Republic of Moldova, over 100 mayors were elected as independents. “This shows that these mayors have the people’s vote of confidence and do not enjoy political protection in different forms,” stated the mayor.

Ludmila Maga, mayor of Cupcini town, said that her ideas match the concept of this platform whose hero is the citizen. “We were elected by our voters to work for the benefit of those who are around us in our localities,” stated Ludmila Maga, calling on the local elected officials to support this movement and this idea.

Valeriu Lazarenco, mayor of Leușeni village of Telenești district, said that since he was elected mayor, he has felt the necessity of a party of mayors who are those who know the problems experienced in the locality. “There is a great necessity of combining forces and moving on together. We do not intend to divide. We aim to joint forces and build,” stated the mayor.

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