
New rules concerning retirement age take effect July 1


To benefit from an old-age pension, the applicants should reach the standard retirement age and should have contributed a particular period of time to the public pension system. As of July 1 this year, the standard retirement age for women is 59 and this will gradually rise to 63 until July 1, 2028. The complete insurance period for women is 32 years and this will gradually rise to 34 years, IPN reports.

The National House of Social Insurance said the men who intend to get an old-age pension must be 63 and have an insurance period of 34 years. The given conditions were set down on July 1, 2019. The old-age pension for women and men is set when the minimum insurance period is of 15 years.

The women who gave birth and educated up to the age of eight five and more children can retire three years before the standard retirement age, respectively, as from July 1, 2020 at the age of 56.

Under the law, those who worked in special conditions can retire earlier, depending on the length of the insurance period applying to such conditions. More details are available on the National House of Social Insurance’s website www.cnas.md in the section “Pensions”.

To benefit from a pension on retirement, the person files the application and the necessary documents to the local house of social insurance within 30 days of the retirement day. If the time limit is not respected, the old-age pension is paid since the last necessary document is presented.