
New party seeks punishment for executors of illegal decisions during the ruling of the Communist government


The Liberal Democratic Party of Moldova (PLDM), whose founding congress is due to take place this weekend, pleads for a special law that will bar access to public offices for the persons that during the ruling of the current Communist government, since 2001 until present days, have either issued or executed illegal orders that made innocent citizens suffer. The statement was made at a news conference on Wednesday, December 5, by Mihai Godea, a member of the initiative group for the foundation of the Liberal Democratic Party. His colleague, lawyer Alexandru Tanase, stated that nothing can excuse the illegal decisions and actions of the public officials. “Our position is resolute, says Tanase, the persons that committed abuses have no moral and legal rights to further hold public offices; they must be prosecuted and hold criminally answerable for every committed abuse. Otherwise, our children will never forgive us and no one will ever believe that the change for the batter is what we really wanted”. The leader of the initiative group, MP Vladimir Filat, said that in two months after the initiative to form the PLDM was made public, the emergent party held 35 assemblies to form PLDM’s territorial organisations, with several more to follow. Thus, within a couple of days, the PLDM will have territorial organisations in all the districts of Moldova, including on the left side of the Nistru. According to Filat, so far some 15,500 persons have submitted applications for PLDM’s membership. The founding congress will take place in Chisinau on Saturday, December 8. The Congress is to adopt the statute and the programme of the party, and to elect PLDM’s leadership.