
New national program to control cancer


The Cabinet on September 28 approved the national cancer control program for 2016-2025. This is designed to reduce cancer mortality caused and to improve the quality of life of people diagnosed with cancer, IPN reports.

Thus, the authorities aim to increase the quality of medical services provided for the population and to improve working conditions at health facilities, including by implementing new technology. The executive will also take a series of measures to ensure social mobilization in cancer control and will continuously monitor the public health sector.

Among the objectives defined in the program are to reduce cancer incidence by 10% and to increase the number of early detection cases by 2025. The patients’ access to high-quality diagnosis, treatment and care services will be improved, including by ensuring treatment services in all the territorial-administrative units.

The national cancer control program will be implemented in two stages. At the first stage, in 2016-2020, activities will be carried out to strengthen the health system’s capacities, including to outfit health institutions with medical devices and qualified staff. Afterward, depending on the achieved results, a plan of action for the immediate future will be worked out.

In Moldova, cancer is the second leading cause of death. The number of persons suffering from this disease is on the rise.