
“New Moldovans emerging?” - Info-Prim Neo interview with music student Tatiana Putin in the series “19 Years of Independence”


[ - Many young people of your age and ability chose to attend a foreign college or work abroad. Why have you preferred to stay home? Does 'home' allows you to accomplish your dreams? Have you ever thought of leaving abroad and will you return to Moldova if that happens?] - In fact, I wanted to study abroad, but I don't think I would have managed to stay far away from home, first of all, from a spiritual point of view. Of course at home it is a lot easier, because you have your parents by your side and a roof over your head, both figuratively and literally, and even if it's difficult as with any beginning, I know that I have a stable shoulder to lean on to help me accomplish my dreams. Certainly I will stay here in Moldova after I complete my studies, but I'd also like to visit some other countries on tours related to my vocational interests. [ - What are the most prominent components of your CV, for both you and our country? Do you accept this idea of “me and my country”? ] - I think that some of the highlights are related to the fact that I represented our country at a number of international contests, like in Russia - St. Petersburg, Finland - Ikaalinen, France - Tours, Poland - Hajnowka. And of course there were also numerous concerts and contests here in Moldova, though less famous. I find the me-and-my-country approach rather natural, because this is the country where I received the education which makes me very content today, and I wouldn't want to exaggerate about it, but I take proud in my degree of culture. Unfortunately this is what many people just don't have. [ - By the way, you have a rather resonant surname. Do you have relatives in Moscow?] - Actually, I do have Muscovite relatives, but if you 'suspect' the Russian prime minister, I don't really have an answer because, of what I know about his roots, nothing is impossible. [ - What did it take you to get you where you are now? Can any young person in Moldova reach these heights?] - I am where I am today thanks to my own resources and knowledge. Any young person in Moldova who has capabilities and will can achieve his or her goals. [ - Evidently you took some tests to reach your current position. How many Moldovan youths, do you think, would be able to take them successfully? ] - I took, of course, the graduation exam at the Music School “Stefan Neaga”, which was very important for the next step, the entrance exams at the Music Academy. I'm sure many talented persons can pass them as well. A good thing in our country is that there is a quite large number of subsidized university places particularly in music. [ - How much of your CV do you attribute as your own contribution? How much to attribute to your parents, and ultimately your country? Does the country have any?] - Of course the country has played a great role, but that does not compare to the role of my parents, who have always made sure I have the best, especially when it comes to education. I should attribute some credit to myself, as well, because everything related to music in my life comes through my own sweat, blood and tears. I know that when it comes to harmonics problems, I'm on my own. [ - Naturally this type of CVs could make up the new elite of a country. Do you believe there are enough of you to change the flow of our country to a course beneficial for every citizen?] - If everyone who complete their studies would stay here in Moldova, we might, though with difficulty, change the country's course for the better, but there is a lot of work to do until then. [ - Describe yourself in a sentence ] - I'm a singer and musician in the making, studying at the Music and Arts Academy. [ - Please continue the sentence: “At 19 years of independence, the Republic of Moldova is for me…”] - A hope for making a name internationally. [ - These questions were addressed to you by a person who you, at your age, might consider “somewhat older” if not very old. How did the questions seem to you: natural, naïve, unpleasant, useful, any other characteristic? What opinion do you have on the generation that asks the Moldovan youth such questions?] - I appreciate very much that such questions are addressed to young people, I appreciate that someone cares about our future and I'm glad to discover that we are not surrounded entirely by selfish people. [Valeriu Vasilică, Info-Prim Neo]