
New law on retrocession came into force


After 15 years of independence and 50 years after the rehabilitation of the Stalinism’s victims, deported to Siberia and Kazakhstan, a new Law on retrocession of the goods confiscated from the victims of political repressions came into force in Moldova. A previous one was adopted in 1992. According to the new Law, which came into force on August 11, 2006, the goods which were nationalized or taken in any other way out from the persons put to political repressions and further rehabilitated will be given back at their request. At the same time, by the assent of the rehabilitated persons or of their successors, the value of the confiscated houses can be replaced by their present value on the market, or by offering a dwelling. Those who will be evacuated from these houses will be offered a dwelling prior to the ones on the waiting list. The goods will be given back from local funds. The law also stipulates that in case the property is in a bad condition or can not be restituted, because they are privatized according to the law, its value will be provided as financial compensation or material goods at the market price. If the value of the property does not exceed MDL 200 thousand, compensations will be spread out for a period of 3 years, and if the sum is too big, it will be spread out for a period of 5 years. At the same time, the lands, forests, plantations and objectives taken out of the civil circuit as well as other confiscated, nationalized or expropriated in any other “due to reasons which have no link with political represeions”, will not be restituted. The law does not include any stipulations for the persons which were already given compensations.