
New group of US Peace Corps Volunteers to work in towns and villages throughout Moldova


A new group of U.S. Peace Corps Volunteers will soon begin working in towns and villages throughout Moldova. On November 16, 2006, 34 trainees will take their oaths at a Swearing-In Ceremony. This is the 19th group of Volunteers to serve in Moldova. Of the 34 new trainees, 21 will serve as specialists for organizational and community development, working in non-governmental organizations and local public administration offices. The remaining 13 will work as specialists in agriculture and agribusiness development, working at extension services centers and micro-finance institutions. The Volunteers will be working in Moldova for two years. On September 13, 2006, these 34 Americans began their 9-week Pre-Service Training, where they focused on learning Romanian and Russian, getting to know Moldovan culture, and acquiring skills for their future placements. The trainees lived with host families in villages near the town of Ialoveni. Peace Corps worldwide is celebrating its 45th anniversary in 2006. There are 7,800 Volunteers presently serving in 75 countries, and 130 of those Volunteers are serving in Moldova now.