More than 2,000 police officers received equipment, computers and cars that were bought within the police reform. The consignment that was handed over in an official event on October 16 is worth 30.7 million lei, IPN reports.
Today, there were presented and handed over 54 vehicles for all the 203 police stations. Over 2,000 units of computation equipment, including computers and printers, were offered to investigation divisions, police stations and guard units of local police inspectorates. There were distributed over 4,000 units of equipment, such as tactical cartridge belts, teargas sprays, cartridges, etc.
Head of the General Police Inspectorate Alexandru Panzari said the police have all the necessary instruments to become more efficient and come closer to the people.
By the police development strategy for 2016 – 2020 that was approved by the Government last May, the Ministry of the Interior and the General Police Inspectorate aim to continue to reform the police system and to meet the international standards in the field.