
New edition of EGPRSP Informative Bulletin was published


The level of support in agriculture in Moldova is the lowest in the region, and the number of categories to ask for subventions is little, Viorel Chivriga, expert of IDIS “Viitorul” declares in an interview published in the 11th edition of the Informative Bulletin of EGPRSP - Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper. According to the expert, the situation can be explained by the fact that Moldova, in the process of adhering to the World Trade Organization, took some engagements in the area of subsidizing agriculture, including export gratuities. On the other hand, the methodology of using subventions is very defective and their volume is symbolical and can not contribute to implementing the aimed objectives when applying subventions in agriculture. Another article presents the activity of the pilot-bureau “Public defenders”, which works in Ciocana district of Chisinau municipality. At the trial stage, the Bureau offers assistance only on penal and administrative procedure issues. There are 3 ways of obtaining free legal assistance: direct solicitation on behalf of citizen; when police provides information; the courts inform the Bureau. This Bureau will work until the end of 2006. Details about the assistance offered by Japan in the framework of the Small Business Support and Development Program are also presented in the Bulletin. Until now, 18 Moldovan entrepreneurs received modern equipment to a total value of USD 2.52 mln, and other 25 will receive it in the near future. The aforementioned Bulletin also announces about the essay contest “How to reduce poverty in Moldova”. 46 students from the higher education institutions of Moldova participated in the contest. 6 participants were awarded, and other 6 had the good fortune to receive honorable mentions. The contest was organized by the Ministry of Economy and Commerce in partnership with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), UNICEF and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). EGPRSP Bulletin will de spread for free as a supplement to several local and national newspapers and magazines of Moldova.