
New Deontological Code for NAC employees


Parliament adopted a new Deontological Code for the employees of the National Anticorruption Center (NAC). The document contains a number of professional deontological and discipline norms that are mandatory, IPN reports.

The Ministry of Justice noted the goal of the initiative is to increase the professional responsibility of NAC employees and to inform the public about the conduct of the Center’s employees.

Under the bill, the NAC employees are obliged not to use their position for personal interests and not to ask for rewards for the performed work, to wear the uniform and distinctive signs by obeying the wearing rules or to come to work in a decent outfit.

The employees of the Center, regardless of the held post, the place where they are during or outside the working hours, if they are notified of circumstances or deeds that endanger the law and order, the life and health of persons or other social values, are obliged to inform the responsible authority about this and to take the possible measures to prevent sand end the offense.

The internal security subdivision of the NAC has the task of monitoring the lifestyle of employees so as to see if this meets the provisions of the given Code and to transmit the monitoring resuts to the Center’s Disciplinary Board for taking decisions as to the imposition or non-imposition of penalties in accordance with the law and to the National Integrity Authority for this to examine the accumulate information from the angle of its duties.

The violation of the provisions of the Code implies disciplinary, civil and criminal liability.