
New contest to choose members of Moldelectrica Board of Directors


The competition for the selection of members of the Board of Directors of the state-owned enterprise "Moldelectrica", from outside the public administration and the enterprise, was relaunched as not enough files were submitted for the selection of the four members during the previous contest, IPN reports.

"The competition was relaunched to ensure a fair and participatory process, and the candidates who already registered in the launched competition will only have to confirm their intention to take part and do not need to take part in the competition again," said the Ministry of Energy.

The candidates for the position of member of the Board of Directors of "Moldelectrica" from outside the public administration and the state-owned enterprise will be assessed by the competition commission according to evaluation criteria that include skills, reputation, financial behavior and eligibility.

The candidates must have an advanced knowledge of Romanian and English, at least level B2. They must also have higher education in economics, finance, energy, technical or legal studies. Another condition is the submission of the affidavit regarding the fulfillment of the requirements for the position of board member.

The files for participation in the contest can be submitted by April 10, 05:00 p.m., to the Ministry of Energy, or to the email address nicolae.negru@energie.gov.md.

The Ministry of Energy noted that constituting an independent board of directors of the Transmission System Operator is part of the Republic of Moldova’s commitments to implement the European Union’s Third Energy Package, along with the obligation to separate the electricity transmission system operator. The "independent system operator" separation model implies that the electricity company that does not own a transmission network can transmit electricity through the network leased out by the owner.