
New composition of Government to be presented by end of parliamentary session


The new composition of the Government is to be presented by Prime Minister Pavel Filip in Parliament by the end of the current legislative session that closes on July 31, 2017, IPN reports.

Speaker of Parliament Andrian Candu said that two weeks ago he signed the new law on the Government and this was transmitted to the Presidential Office for promulgation. When it is promulgated and published in the Official Gazette, the Premier will come to Parliament to present the new Cabinet.

The Government reform law was passed in the final reading last week. According to the new organogram, the post of minister remains the only political post. The post of deputy minister was excluded and the administrative duties at ministries will be fulfilled by secretaries of state, who will hold the post of minister on an interim basis, if necessary. Also, the Premier is empowered to modify the number of ministries, which is not fixed, by a simplified procedure. Eralier, Pavel Filip said the number of ministries will be decreased from 16 to nine.