
Netherlands to offer 2.5 million euros for investments and infrastructure


The Government of Netherlands will offer to the Republic of Moldova 2.5 million euros for budgetary support in implementing Governmental programs. The partnership framework supporting development assistance was countersigned by the Netherlands side on Monday, June 19 within the visit of a delegation, headed by the deputy prime-minister, minister of Finance of Netherlands, Gerrit Zalm. The document was signed 2 weeks ago between the Government of IMF, WB, Swedish Government and other foreign financers. Also today, the Moldovan-Netherlands Memorandum was signed, which includes collaboration between the customs services of the two countries, inclusively improving the customs procedures. The deputy prime-minister Zinaida Grecianii declared on Monday, May 19 at a press conference that those 2.5 million euros will be invested in the productive area of economy, especially in infrastructure projects, roadways for instance. She expressed the firm standpoint of the Government that the money will be spent according to their destination. “The times when the foreign loans were used for current consume, when the wages and pensions were not paid are already overcame. Now we can invest the foreign investments in development, for ensuring economic growth”, Grecianii specified. The deputy prime-minister thanked the Netherlands high officials for their merit in the finishing of a program of The Moldovan Government with IMF and obtaining the support of the Paris Club. Gerrit Zalm considers that Molodva’s economy registers positive evolutions. He considers that, at the moment, the National Bank of Moldova should not be concerned too much about inflation, though he expressed his hope that within this meeting, NBM representatives will present an action plan on reducing inflation. The Minister of Development and Cooperation of Netherlands, Agnes van Ardenne-van der Houven declared that the Government of Netherlands examines the possibility to offer supplementary financial support to NBM project, directed toward efficient implementation of EGPRSP. At the same time, she mentioned that Netherlands shares the concerns of EU upon the necessity to increase the efforts regarding corruption fight and development of free mass-media in the Republic of Moldova. “Molodva must continue the development of the relationship with this organization, fact which will contribute in the future in obtaining the statute of EU member country”, official added. Starting 2000, the Government of Netherlands offered Moldova 2.4 million euros for the Governmental and human rights protection programs.