
Neither PL nor PLDM have bill on lustration, opinion


Neither the Liberal Party (PL), nor the Liberal Democratic Party (PLDM) have a bill on lustration; through their statements they simply want to act as pioneers of the idea. This is the opinion of political analyst Igor Botan, quoted by Info-Prim Neo. “I believe neither of them have the bill, and they have no idea on what kind of lustration they want”, said Igor Botan, who added this quarrel among Parties is somewhat strange. “When the idea of condemning the totalitarian Communist regime came, they were also supposed to vote on the Law on Lustration; the two were supposed to move along concomitantly. They did not discuss it among themselves, did not have a clear concept of what they want, what is the finalization of the condemning, and they did not talk about lustration”, the analyst specified. In his opinion, there should’ve been public discussions about these initiatives. “From my point of view, it is a manifestation of jealousy, after none of them had done the right things from the start. Now, post factum, they try to surpass each other in statements. I don’t think they will reach a consensus, because before writing a law they must have the clear parameters of what they want from this law”, concluded the analyst. Previously, the Liberals, i.e. the ones who proposed to condemn the totalitarian Communist regime and its symbols, i.e. the sickle and the hammer, stated that they will also propose a bill on lustration. Recently, however, Premier Vlad Filat, PLDM president, communicated that the political group already has such a project. On the other hand, the Liberals say that the Liberal-Democrats should be ashamed of proposing initiatives that had been previously proposed by the PL. The press had written that the PL will submit its own bill on lustration to the Parliament, citing MP Valeriu Munteanu in this regard. Communist MPs have previously announced that they would support a bill on lustration, if such one was to be submitted, but also they have proposed the governing Parties to start lustration among their own ranks. Lustration refers to the administrative measure used by post-totalitarian regimes, in order to exclude from public institutions the people who had collaborated with the Communist regime, especially ex-informers of the Communist secret police.