
Negruta’s conviction reveals political interference in justice, experts


The fact that former minister of finance Veaceslav Negruta was put on probation shows that the political class interferes in the legal system, said experts invited to the talk show “Politics” on TV 7 channel, IPN reports.

Former ECHR judge Stanislav Pavlovschi said that if Negruta complains to a European court, he will be on a superior position. “There are many juridical responsibilities in this case. The threat with jail is one of the methods used most frequently in our country to make somebody not to speak. I think now Negruta has no reasons to keep silent,” he stated.

Anatol Taranu, director of the Institute of Political Research and Consultancy “Politicon”, considers the conviction of Negruta forms part of the latest developments in Moldova. “I think Negruta is now made not to reveal the truth or the probation sentence will be replaced with a jail term in the upper court. Negruta’s case perfectly fits our realities. I think we are close to witnessing radical transformations,” he said.

Chairman of the public association “Justice and Democracy” Pavel Midrigan thinks the former minister fulfilled a political order in the case of Sandulachi. “If someone orders Maia Sandu to commit an illegality, she will never accept. It seems that Negruta accepted,” he stated.

Political commentator Dionis Cenusa made a call to the functionaries with integrity. “I call on such functionaries as Maia Sandu to be very attentive when they are told to sign something and to consult jurists so as not to find themselves in the situation of Veaceslav Negruta,” he stated.