
NATO: Partnership with Moldova is based on Moldova’s necessities


NATO spokeswoman Oana Lungescu said the partnership with the Republic of Moldova is based on Moldova’s necessities and is oriented to the needs of the people. In an interview for Radio Free Europe, Oana Lungescu said NATO spent €4.5 million to remove hazardous pesticide stockpiles that could explode and endanger people’s lives. Furthermore, almost 600 Moldovans were involved in NATO courses so as to professionalize the defense system of the Republic of Moldova, IPN reports.

“We also provided courses to help fight corruption in the Moldovan institutions. All these things are for the benefit of Moldovans, at Moldova’s request, by fully obeying Moldova’s neutrality, based on the Constitution. This recognition of neutrality is also specified in the Individual Partnership Action Plan that already exists with the Republic of Moldova,” stated Oana Lungescu.

According to her, the NATO office in Chisinau will be opened this year, based on an agreement with the Moldovan authorities, which was ratified by Parliament, and on the Government’s request. It will be a small diplomatic, civil office where most of the employees will be Moldovans. “You should not image that generals or officers will come here. It is about diplomats. There will be one diplomat in a NATO member state. The others will be Moldovan employees, from the Republic of Moldova, because the goal of this office is to help the Moldovan citizens strengthen their institutions,” said Oana Lungescu.

She also said that NATO is a defensive alliance and has helped keep peace in Europe for almost 70 years since its creation. It is an alliance that brings together 28 democratic countries at present, soon 29 together with Montenegro. Its goal is not to cause conflicts, but to prevent them.