
Nationwide campaign “Let’s read together!”


Approximately 70 children and teens from Chisinau lyceums became the first readers of the books “Rebela” by Claudia Partole and “Poems on burning steps” by Ianoș Țurcanu in the nationwide reading promotion campaign “Let’s read together!”. The readers shared their impressions about the books with the authors in the launch of the eighth edition of the campaign at the National Children’s Library “Ion Creangă”, IPN reports.

The students recited poems by Ianoș Țurcanu and presented micro-essays about the two books. The young people said they liked a lot the novel “Rebela” that is about contemporary teens.

According to vice director of the National Children’s Library “Ion Creangă” Eugenia Bejan, up to three book titles are promoted in the campaign, depending on the supply of the library. The selection is made from books printed as part of the national book printing program that is supported by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Research.

The goal of the campaign is to promote books of living authors so as to organize meetings of readers with authors in libraries, schools and lyceums. Reading in the family is encouraged. The chosen books have the children of early school age and teens as the target group.

The nationwide reading promotion campaign “Let’s read together!” was launched in 2012 and is coordinated by the National Children’s Library “Ion Creangă”.