A national register of the Emerald Network, which is an ecological network made up of Areas of Special Conservation Interest – will be set up in Moldova. The relevant bill that was adopted by Parliament on July 21 forms the cooperation basis within a homogenous network that covers the whole Europe, IPN reports.
The Emerald Network is to ensure the conservation of 154 species of plants and animals and 38 habitats protected at European level that are situated in the Republic of Moldova. This is the equivalent of the Natura 2000 network on the territory of countries that are not EU member states. The Emerald Network as a network of important sites for conservation of biodiversity in Europe created 1989, the Ministry of Environment said in a press release.
The Emerald Network is a system of coherent interconnected areas that are subject to management, monitoring and reporting measures. Being developed within the framework of the Bern Convention, its objective is to ensure the long-term survival of the species and habitats of this treaty that require specific site protection measures.