
National Movement “Statalitate”: M 1 channel follows contradictory vector in its editorial policy


The public TV channel Moldova 1 follows a contradictory vector in its editorial policy, while the company’s administration uses the TV channel to propagate unionism and to liquidate the Republic of Moldova as a state, consider members of the initiative group of the National Movement “Statalitate” (“Statehood”). In a news conference at IPN, these said the public TV channel became a pocket channel of the oligarchs, while the pressing problems faced by society are neglected in its programs.

The Movement’s representative Simion Lungu said the public TV channel pursues an editorial policy that safeguards the interests of particular persons, not of the people. The problem of national identity at this channel is treated unilaterally. “Unionism is promoted unilaterally, without democracy. Such issues as the national identity, our language and origin are also treated unilaterally. The principles of scientific democracy are violated,” he stated.

According to him, the programs do not raise agricultural subjects that have always held interest for the people of Moldova. The bank fraud and the latest tender contests weren’t elucidated and analyzed in the programs broadcast by the public TV channel. The best specialists from different areas should be invited to these programs, but the invitees include only persons who are suitable for those who manage this channel from behind.

Initiative group member Igor Caldare said the administration of Moldova1 pursues an antistate and antinational policy and uses the people’s money for the purpose. Some of the company’s employees are related and these are thus involved in conflicts of interest.

In another development, initiative group member Emilian Ciobu said the public TV channel should present the life and problems of the people in all the country’s regions, not only in the capital city.

The members of the Movement’s initiative group called on the Prosecutor General’s Office, the Security and Intelligence Service, the Broadcasting Coordination Council and the Audit Office to immediately stop the crimes committed by the administration of the TV channel Moldova 1 against the state and the people of the Republic of Moldova. Also, in order to avoid the possible serious consequences of the people’s protests, the initiative group demanded access to the program “Moldova live” produced by the public TV channel. If access is denied, the initiative group will act in accordance with the law.