
National experts calculate tariff of 651.71 lei for heat in Chisinau


Moldovan experts have calculated a tariff of 651.71 lei for 1 Gcal of the thermal agent delivered to the Chisinau consumers. A report was presented on Wednesday, November 12. The authors say they took into account the data from the financial reports of CET-1 and CET-2 plants, of Termocom and the price on the natural gas delivered by Moldovagaz. They also say they have found many breeches in the activity of Termocom, and this means that the price could be lower, Info-Prim Neo reports. According to the expert of the Institute for Development and Social Initiatives (IDIS) “Viitorul,” Victor Parlicov, among the unjustified expenditures, there is the fact that Termocom, in producing thermal energy (Termocom produces 25% of the energy delivered to consumers, the rest of 75% being acquired from CET-1 and CET-2 ), uses thermal energy equal to 6150 lei per Gcal. The sum is further included in the tariff that must be paid by the end user. This can happen in case that the energy produced by CET-1 and 2 is far cheaper, Parlicov said. Parlicov also said that Termocom buys pipes to replace the old ones, but it really uses only a small part of them. The rest are sold, and the money is used for other purposes. Moreover, the money used to buy the pipes is a component of the final price demanded from the consumers. Thus, Termocom earns a double amount. Now the price includes expenditures for reparations performed during several years, and finally all the expenditures are included in the tariff of 822 lei, demanded by Termocom, the experts say. When calculating the tariff, the experts also took into account the losses of 26.75% claimed by the heat supplier, and they say these losses unreasonably grew in the last 3 years. They also stated the reports hide the advantages of Termocom. The experts suggest SA Termocom to set a correct price and stated that they wered ready to cooperate with it regarding the tariff calculations. Now the cost of 1 Gcal is 540 lei. By virtue of a memorandum agreed upon on Tuesday, November 11, by the municipality, SA Termocom, SA Moldovagaz and approved by the Chisinau Council, the local authorities must endorse a tariff of 740 lei per Gcal till November 21.