
National Eastern Partnership Platform concerned about lack of transparency in legislature


The members of the National Eastern Partnership Platform issued a statement where they express their concerns about the lack of transparency in decision making in the legislative body of Moldova. According to them, the rapid modification of the method of designating the prosecutor general, by avoiding the decisional transparency rules, arouses concerns and bewilderment, IPN reports.

The civil society representatives said that the naming of the prosecutor general in conditions of non-transparency creates preconditions for the reform at this institution not to be understood and supported by the population.

The statement says that the hurried change of the electoral system, without holding discussions with civil society, creates conditions for the proliferation of political corruption, reduces small parties’ chances of entering Parliament, limits the right of the active people who are abroad, but contribute to the country’s welfare to take part in its political life.

The representatives of civil society consider that the latest events confirm that the state institutions are under the influence of the private interests of several persons. This damages Moldova’s image and endangers the country’s democratic development, being also an obstacle in the European integration process.

The National Eastern Partnership Platform is an association of NGOs from the EaP countries. It aims to ensure transparency in the process of constituting the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum.