
National Development Plan to ground on five strategic priorities


The National Development Plan of Moldova (NDP) is to be grounded on five strategic priorities for Moldova: strengthening of modern democratic state; settlement of the Transnistrian conflict and reintegration of Moldova; increasing competitiveness of national economy; development of human resources; employment; regional development. President Vladimir Voronin chaired a meeting dedicated to the creation of NDP for 2008-2011. According to the draft concept presented by the deputy-prime-minister Zinaida Greceanyi, the chairman of the Interministerial Committee for NDP, the future structure of the document will include the development strategy and the action plan which will be drawn up according to the middle term framework of expenses and will be updated according to the Budget Law for that year. According to the head of state, the first NDP must include all the actions related to the development of Moldova, in order to strategically plan the period after the EGPRSP and the Action Plan Moldova-EU will expire. According to Voronin, NDP must be a logical continuation of the actions included in the sector, territorial or field programmes and has to be drawn up in compliance with the bilateral agreements between Moldova and foreign partners. He urged the Government structures involved in the creation of NDP to ensure the participation of the civil society in the framing of the project, as well as to coordinate the actions with international financial bodies. NDP will be drawn up in three stages. The concept of the document will be determined by May. The detailed action plan will be ready in April-August. In August-October it is planned to organise public debates on the National Development Plan, including a forum. Afterwards the Plan will be approved by the Government and Parliament.