
National accreditation system to be assessed by European bodies


The Ministry of Economy and its subdivisions plan to adjust 70% of the national standards to the European ones. “In this connection, we should make these standards public so that the business entities implement them. When they are applied and the products or services meet the European standards, they become an instrument that stimulates exports,” Minister of Economy Octavian Calmac said in a news conference, quoted by IPN.

He noted that in 2017, the national accreditation system will be subject to an international assessment by expert European bodies. “If we successfully pass this assessment, our products will be able to penetrate the European market, avoiding double certification and control,” stated the minister.

Negotiations with the EU on the signing of the mutual recognition agreement on product compliance will be launched in 2017. Work will be done to outfit the labs with the necessary equipment. “This will enable to meet the demand for high-quality products on the internal market and to ensure the compliance of the Moldovan products and services with the EU market requirements,” said Octavian Calmac.