
Naryshkin instructed Voronin and Lupu to form center-left coalition, NGO


The head of the Russian presidential administration Sergey Naryshkin ordered Vladimir Voronin and Marian Lupu to form a center-left coalition so as to govern Moldova in accordance with Russia's wishes. Now Marian Lupu has to decide between being a man or a traitor. Related statements were made by the chairman of the 1992 War Veterans Association “Tiras-Tighina” Anatolie Caraman, Info-Prim Neo reports. In a news conference on Tuesday, Colonel Anatolie Caraman said that Russia behaved impudently by sending Naryshkin to Moldova. “Naryshkin's visit to Chisinau shows that the Russians still control Moldova, do not take into account the European community's opinions and do not recognize Moldova's independence,” he said. Anatolie Caraman also said that Marian Lupu's defection from SRL “PCRM” was nothing but an electoral technique thought out in Moscow. Meanwhile, Russia grouped its imperial forces in Moldova and influenced a part of the population against Moldova's integration into the EU by shameful propaganda. Constantin Lazar, the head of the Association of Romanian Citizens, said that Sergey Naryshkin is Vladimir Putin's envoy who came to Moldova not to find facts, as he said, but with documents ready for signing. “Naryshkin reminded us that we are brothers, we have the same faith, form part of the same spiritual area and that we have a common past. He was to say that we have a common future, but said that we had different roles in our common history. They were the roles of slaves and of dominators,” said Constantin Lazar. Teo Carnat, executive director of the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights of Moldova, said an alliance between the PDM and PCRM is absurd. During a year, the Alliance for European Integration made the press free and paved the way for real democracy, though there are yet many problems to be solved. The representatives of the civil society organizations said that if need be they will stage protests.